Graphic design for "Social Matter, Social Design — For good or bad, all
design is social“
Social matter, social design challenges the way we look at, think about and
interact with the social
world by emphasising the role of materiality. This expanded field of
engagement requires design to
incorporate a more nuanced and complex reading of how the social is
intertwined with the material,
confronting the often reductive or simplistic notion of 'social design' and
offering new forms of
critical and meaningful engagement at a time of increasing social
contradictions. The essays in this
book explore and reveal uncanny, disconcerting or discordant connections,
bricolages, assumptions or
ruptures at critical junctures for transformation. They are organised around
four main themes: the
body, the earth, the political and technology.
edited by Jan Boelen & Michael Kaethler, published by Valiz. 2020
Matter, Social
For good or bad, all design is social
Editors: Jan Boelen & Michael Kaethler
Contributors: Jonas Althaus, Stéphane Barbier Bouvet, Mariangela Beccoi,
Ellie Birkhead, Gali Blay,
Jan Boelen, Nadine Botha, Pablo Calderón Salazar, Marianne Drews, Brecht
Duijf, Anastasia Eggers,
Gabriel Fontana, Saba Golchehr, Alorah Harman,
Dick van Hoff, Michael Kaethler, Eric Klarenbeek, Kuang-Yi Ku, Gabriel .A.
Maher, Henrique
Nascimento, Elisa Otañez, Ottonie von Roeder, Søren Rosenbak, Angela Rui,
Vera Sacchetti, Noud
Sleumer, Vivien Tauchmann, Henriette Waal
Design: Wibke Bramesfeld and Billy Ernst; Drawings: Billy Ernst
2020, Valiz | Research supported by Creative Industries Fund NL | In
collaboration with Design
Academy Eindhoven | 240 pp. | paperback with flaps | English | Size: 22 x 14
cm (h x b) | ISBN
978-94-92095-84-8 | € 19,90
Font: Ortica by collletttivo; Paper: Arcoprint Milk 15 150gr, Munken Pure
120gr, Munken Print Cream
15 90gr, Olin Regular Absolute White 60gr